How We Do What We Do
Mission Outreach operates as an emergency homeless facility offering both short and long term housing with supportive services to the homeless, as well as homeless prevention, utility assistance, case management, and mental health services to impoverished individuals and families in Northeast Arkansas. We provided shelter to 354 individuals, served 44,595 meals, and distributed 4805 food boxes to those in need in 2019. We serve three hot meals daily to residents as well as to anyone else in the community that walks-in for a meal. We transport residents for job searches, employment, counseling, general education, medical services and specialized classes, such as parenting, anger management, and job preparation.
Our organizational structure is streamlined with only three staff members. The Executive Director is in charge of all administrative and financial duties and gives direction to other staff members. The Executive Director is tasked with grant administration, developing residential programs, assisting individuals with documentation needs and other work readiness needs, public speaking, media relations and branding. Our Development Director plans all special events, meets with donors one-on-one, develops new fundraising campaigns, documents and acknowledges all gifts, is involved in the community and administers our food programs.
Our Grant Writer/Administrative Assistant handles daily needs of the community, including but not limited to, providing utility assistance, food assistance, & medical assistance. She also verifies and enters all data into the Homeless Management Information System for the State of Arkansas. She is the lead researcher for grants and grant writing.
A 13 member Board of Directors oversees and governs policies and procedures of Mission Outreach and fiduciary responsibilities for our organization.